Our Commitment To You

We know that as family lawyer’s we are not on anyone’s “bucket list” to meet in life. This time of your life can be a stressful and emotional time and we will always do our best to minimise the impact for you and your family and your future.

Our commitment to you is simple, we value you as the unique individual that you are and will do everything in our power to achieve resolution and build your new pathway into the future. We will:

Honour your past relationship, and the relationship we develop with you.

  • Care for, support and protect you as you grow towards a new future.
  • Craft a more meaningful outcome for all involved that isn’t inhibited by unnecessary conflict.
  • Create a renewed sense of possibility for you and your family.
  • Listen to and hear you, so that we can understand and reach your goals.
  • Treat you with respect.
  • Not make assumptions or judgements about you or your situation.
  • Be consistent, structured and responsive. You will always have two points of contact within our office.
  • Provide you with updates about your matter and touching base with you if we haven’t heard from you in a while, life gets busy.
  • Explain the work that is being done and why it is being done.
  • Be honest about legal fees, we know they can get expensive. You will be aware of what is involved, where fees are up to at any point in time and we will minimise legal fees for you wherever we can.
  • Be available when you need us most. You will be able to contact our emergency phone and speak with one of our experienced

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