The Do’s and Don’ts for the Holiday Season – from a Family Lawyer
By Alecia Featherstone | 11 December 2022 | General - Articles
The year is almost a distant memory and most, if not all of us, are again sitting at our desks and wondering where the year has gone.
December is often a busy period for all, and family lawyers are no exception. Whilst Christmas is a jolly time of the year for some, the reality is that for others it is not. As families gather for festive celebrations, any underlying tension that already existed can be pressurised by Christmas. This can lead to frayed tempers, strained relationships and when things are tough (emotionally or financially), this may lead to disputes.
On a positive note, sometimes people decide to make life changing decisions at the end or beginning of a year so that they can start the New Year afresh. With those things in mind, it is timely for us to share some do’s and don’ts to consider at this time of the year:
- - Do try and make the most of the festive season with your family and loved ones;
- - Do try and remember that the festive season can be stressful for more than one reason. Towards the end of the year we all get grouchy but it’s important to ensure that that doesn’t affect our relationship with our loved ones;
- - Do try to have some time to reflect of the past year and talk to your family about both the good things that may have happened in the last year but also the negative things that you would like to make sure will not be repeated;
- - Do not leave planning your parenting arrangements until the last minute. This can create issues where people may have already made plans but these can be thrown out or upset by leaving something until the last minute;
- - Don’t let conflict escalate out of hand if it occurs. The last thing you want to do is have Christmas for the kids ruined by there being conflict in the family;
- - Don’t make New Year’s resolutions without properly thinking them through or without speaking to a helping professional or trusted adviser who can act as you sounding board.
Christmas can bring with it lots of heightened emotions, but don’t add a layer of complexity by creating and/or fuelling conflict. If you’ve got a dispute that you need assistance with, contact one of our family lawyers can help. To discuss your options and a way forward, contact our Brisbane, Ipswich, North Lakes, Toowoomba, or Dalby offices today by phoning 07 4639 0000 or emailing us at
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