January = Divorce Month?

By Kiara Bergh | 26 January 2023 | Separation and Divorce - Articles

New Year, New Me… Right? Or Wrong? January is coming to light as being “divorce month”. Recent studies have shown that there is typically an increase in separations in the first month of the year. But why?

  1. - Putting it off until the new year

Often we see a small decrease in new clients in the final months of each year. This may be due to people not having enough left in the tank to finalise a relationship before the year is done. With the rush of Christmas, end of year celebrations and end of school events, amongst other things, it may be that people just do not have the time or capacity to process a separation prior to the end of the year. In these situations, people push the separation to be a new year job, and take steps in the early part of the new year to move forward with the separation.

  1. - Staying together for the kids

With Christmas looming at the end of each year, others may decide to wait out the holiday period so the children enjoy one last family Christmas. This may include situations where the decision has already been made to separate in the latter part of the year but there has been agreement to remain together over the festive period for the sake of the children. Alternatively, one person may have unilaterally decided the relationship has broken down but elected to wait until after the holidays to communicate this more openly.

  1. - Holiday financial pressure

The rising cost of living is enough to place strain on any individual or couple at any time of year. Throw in what seems to be the constantly rising cost of Christmas, combined with the cost of holidays in general, and this can only increase the financial strain on a couple. It is often the case, however, that the financial sting of the holidays is not felt until after the holiday period. This can then lead to disagreements, conflict and ultimately a breakdown in a relationship in the new year.

  1. - More time, more people, more doubt

During the silly season, we see an increase in time that we spend with each other. This can mean more one-on-one time with a partner and more time with our extended families and friends. The added pressure of spending more time with each other and various individuals can see relationships pushed to their limits. The outside influence of others can also impact upon a relationship, resulting in people questioning where their relationship is headed and making decisions as to the future direction of that relationship – decisions that often are implemented in the new year.

The new year is off to a flying start. If you are considering a separation or have separated during or following the holiday period, we can assist you with what next steps may need to be taken. To arrange an initial appointment with one of our experienced family lawyers, contact our BrisbaneIpswichNorth LakesToowoomba or Dalby offices today by phoning 1300 959 568 or emailing us at info@bwbfl.com.au.

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